Interaction energy

Interaction energy#

With this type of project, you can calculate the interaction energy of a system built out of two subsystems. The interaction energy is computed as the difference between the energy of the two non-relaxed subsystems.
An Interaction energy project starts defining the two atomic structures of the subsystems. We refer the user to section Structure Modeling in ASAP for further information on the ASAP structure builder/viewer interface.
The definition of the subsystems is done by fixing the atoms of one of the two subsystems and releasing the atoms of the other. This can be done on an existing project (Fig. 7) or by merging two structures of two projects (section Merge two structures).

Fig. 7 Procedure to fix atoms in the atomic structure.#

Once the structure is ready edit the type of the project by selecting Interaction energy from the list of possible project types implemented in ASAP.

Workflow int energy select widget

A window will appear showing the composition of the interface:

Workflow int energy select widget message
Press the Yes button to proceed.
Click on the Parameters icon to open the Interaction energy parameters widget. From the Parameters widget you can chose to compute,
  • Interaction energy with counterpoise correction (Default): The interaction energy is computed as,

    \[\Delta E_{int} = E(AB)_{ab} - E(A)_{ab} - E(B)_{ab}\]

    \(E(AB)_{ab}\) is the energy of the whole system \((AB)\), \(E(A)_{ab}\) and \(E(B)_{ab}\) are the energy of the first and second subsystems, respectively, computed using a mixed basis set (ghost atoms).

  • Interaction energy: The interaction energy is computed as,

    \[\Delta E_{int} = E(AB)_{ab} - E(A)_{a} - E(B)_{b}\]

    \(E(AB)_{ab}\) is the energy of the whole system \((AB)\), \(E(A)_{a}\) and \(E(B)_{b}\) are the energy of the first and second subsystems, respectively.

Workflow int energy param widget

In the bottom part of the Parameters widget, you can select which system you want to visualise and the orientation,

Workflow int energy param widget view
Press the Ok button to close the IET widget once the parameters are properly set.
Click on the SIESTA_4.1 (calculator) icon to select SIESTA input parameters. Notice that the SIESTA is the only calculator available for the Interaction energy project.
Click on the Run icon to open the Run widget. Then press the Run button to submit the Interaction energy calculation.
Workflow int energy run select
Workflow int energy run widget
We refer the user to chapter Configure ASAP runners for further information on computational resources configuration in ASAP.
While the calculation is running the Run widget shows the calculation output in real time.

Interaction energy analysis#

When the calculation is completed, select Exit & Analyse… to open the analysis widget.
The analysis widget shows the computed Interaction energy The energy in eV of the whole system, first subsystem and second subsystem are also shown.
Workflow int energy analyse widget