ASAP basics#

ASAP workflows#

SIMUNE has designed ASAP workflows to help the user in all necessary steps involved in a computer simulation aimed to study and characterise material properties:

  • Preparing the material model (Edit structure).

  • Defining the properties of interest (Edit project).

  • Setting up the input parameters for the simulation (Edit calculator).

  • Running/submitting the calculation (Run).

  • Analysing results (Analysis).

Preferences in ASAP#

In the ASAP menu bar, select the Edit dropdown menu, then press Preferences…. The Preferences widget in ASAP offers the possibility of selecting the default calculator.
Basics preferences button
Basics preferences widget
Press the OK button to close the Preferences widget.
Basics preferences okay

The main window and project tray#

We have designed the main window of ASAP to give the user a complete overview of the active projects.
The project tray displays all ongoing projects. Each row represents a project or subproject, and the action buttons on each row enable direct actions for that specific project.
The action-buttons are located right below the menu bar (see section Managing projects in ASAP: Menu bar) for further information on the menu bar) and allow you to perform all the basic actions on the projects as well as managing multiple workspaces, see Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 ASAP main window.#

  1. Open project. The project is added to the project tray.

  2. Duplicate project. To add a copy of the selected project to the project tray.

  3. Delete project. To remove the selected project from the project tray.

  4. Close project. The selected project is closed. It is not visible anymore in the project tray. The related project files are not deleted.

  5. Open terminal at project location. To open an ASAP terminal at the location of the selected project.

  6. Start a new project by creating a molecular structure.

  7. Start a new project by creating a surface (2D system).

  8. Start a new project by creating a bulk (3D system).

  9. Start a new project by creating a nanotube.

  10. Start a new project by creating a cluster.

  11. Configure runners. You can manage local and remote runners.

  12. Open the user manual.

  13. Add new workspace… To create different workspaces and gather projects by similar characteristics.

  14. Rename. To rename a workspace.

  15. Notes. Button to write notes about the selected project.

  16. Button to analyse the obtained results.

  17. Project tray. It contains all the active projects.

  18. Project status: New, running, completed, cancelled, failed.

  19. Button to Run/Launch the simulation.

  20. Button to select the calculator and edit calculator parameters.

  21. Button to edit project parameters (settings, variables and properties).

  22. Button to select the project type.

  23. Project label.

  24. View and edit the structure: Use double click to open ASE graphical user interface.

Managing projects in ASAP: Menu bar#

Basics projects options

Managing projects in ASAP: Context menu#

Select a project and then right-click it to access the menu as shown in the figure below.

Basics right click menu

Then, you can execute the following actions:

  • Set project label… To change the label of the project.

    Basics right click project label
  • New project… Create a new project by duplicating the atomic structure of the selected project. You have the flexibility to define the type of the new project.

  • Info… Opens a tab with useful information about the project. See section ASAP project information for further information on the Info widget.

    Basics right click info
  • Edit structure… Opens a tab that contains dropdown menus that allow you to tune different characteristics of the atomic structure. See section ASE GUI in ASAP for further information on ASE-GUI in ASAP.

    Basics right click edit structure
  • Edit project type [restarts]… To change the type of the selected project. If the project is completed, this action will restart it and remove the previous results.

    Basics right click edit project type
  • Edit project parameters… Opens the Parameter tab of the selected project.

  • Calculator type… To change the calculator type.

    Basics right click calc type
  • Calculator parameters… Opens the Calculator parameters tab. See chapter Calculators for further information on ASAP calculators.

  • Run… Opens the Run tab. See chapter Configure ASAP runners for further information on the Run tab.

  • Copy all files from remote… To copy data from a remote folder.

  • Analyse… Opens the Analyse tab. Note that the project must be successfully completed. See chapter Analysis for further information on the Analyse tab.

  • Merge two structures… You must select two projects to enable this action. This will open a new tab to specify the characteristics of the merger. See section :ref:`sec-merge-two for more details on merging two structures.

  • Merge for transport calculations… Opens a widget to specify the characteristics of both of the electrodes and the contact that constitute the system. This structure is needed to perform transport calculations. See section Merge for transport calculations for a more in-depth explanation.

  • New project with optimized geometry This option is only available when selecting a geometry optimisation type of project. It creates a new project that contains the previously optimised structure. You have the flexibility to define the new project type afterwards.

  • Move project to workspace… See section The main window and project tray for further information on flexible workspaces.

  • Copy project to workspace… See section The main window and project tray for further information on flexible workspaces.

  • Duplicate To duplicate the selected project. You can choose whether to duplicate results, notes or both. Additionally, you can select to duplicate the selected project in any of the existing workspaces.

    Basics right click duplicate
  • Delete To erase the project from both the project tray and the computer. A confirmation tab will pop up.

    Basics right click delete
  • Close To remove the chosen project from the project tray, with the option to reopen it at your convenience.

ASAP project information#

To retrieve information about a particular project start by selecting the project of interest. Next, click on the View button in the menu bar. Then, click Info… in the dropdown menu.

Basics project view info

Alternatively, select a project and right-click it. Then press the Info… button as shown in the image below.

Basics project info right click
Lastly, you can also use the Ctrl+I shortcut to access the Info widget (or Command+I for Mac users).
We describe now the options of the Info widget. The information marked with # is only available for completed projects.
Basics project info widget
  • Project type. The type of the selected project.

  • Calculation started.# Date and time when the process started.

  • Calculation ended.# Date and time when the process ended.

  • Wall time.# Total run time.

  • Atoms. Click the “>” symbol marked in yellow in the figure above, to display the following options regarding atomic information:

    • Chemical formula.

    • Number of atoms.

    • Cell. The cell used in the selected project.

    • Geometry (Ang). Click the “>” symbol to access the following information on the geometry of the system:

      • The parenthesis shows the index and the atomic symbol of each of the chemical species.

      • The table displays the coordinates of each of the atom’s position.

        Basics project info widget geom
    • Tags. You can use this option to assign a label to each atom. The default tag is “0”.

    • Initial charges. Click the “>” symbol to access the initial charge of each of the atoms.

    • Initial magnetic moment. Click the “>” symbol to access the initial magnetic moment of each of the atoms.

    • Masses. Click the “>” symbol to access the atomic mass of each of the atoms.

    • Temperature (K). Temperature of the system in units of Kelvin.

    • Angular momentum. Angular momentum of the system.

    • Center of mass. Center of mass of the system in the cell.

      Basics project info widget misc
    • info. For this option to be available, the structure of the material must be crystalline and the following information should have been previously included in the structure file, such as within a CIF file, for instance.

      • Spacegroup. Provides information about the translational and rotational symmetries present in crystalline material. Each space group is identified by a unique number and specific setting.

      • Occupancy. Shows the different kinds of atoms and their indexes.

        Basics project info widget info
  • Calculator. The calculator used in the selected project.

  • Calc parameters. See chapter Calculators for further information on ASAP calculators and calculator parameters.

    Basics project info widget calc param

You can rotate the figure of the element around three orthogonal axes by 180 degrees by tuning the blue controls at the top left of the widget.

Basics project info widget rotate

Keyboard shortcuts in ASAP#

We list here the keyboard shortcuts that are availabe in ASAP:

  1. Ctrl+I (Cmd+I for Mac users) to open the Info widget. See section ASAP project information.

  2. Ctrl+D (Cmd+D for Mac users) to copy data from remote file. See subsection Menu bar: Analyse

  3. Ctrl+T (Cmd+T for Mac users) to open a selected project in terminal. See subsection Menu bar: File

  4. Ctrl+S (Cmd+S for Mac users) to save a project. See subsection Menu bar: File.

  5. Ctrl+Shift+S (Cmd+Shift+S for Mac users) to save a project in a selected directory. You can change the name of the saved file. See subsection Menu bar: File

  6. Crtl+Q (Cmd+Q for Mac users) to view HPC queues. See subsection Menu bar: View

  7. Ctrl+M (Cmd+M for Mac users) to enable the drag and drop feature.

  8. Ctrl+E (Cmd+E for Mac users) to export a selected project to a directory of your choice.