Configure remote server#
Make sure the user on the local computer can connect through SSH. See section SSH connection.
Make sure that you have access to the correct version of Python 3 on the remote server. See section Python interpreter.
Setup ASAP to allow the connection to the cluster, refer to section Setup ASAP to allow the connection to the cluster.
SSH connection#
Install OpenSSH#
Type app in the start search bar.
Select “settings app”.
In the “Window Settings” which appears, click on “Apps”.
Then click on “Optional features” and “Add a feature”.
Look for OpenSSH Client, click on it and install.
SSH public-key authentication#
Generate public-private SSH key pair on Windows 10#
Open a powershell instance and use ssh-keygen to generate the public-private SSH key pair,
Follow the instructions to generate the id_rsa, files.
Register the local public key on the remote server#
cd $HOME/.ssh
and list the files in the folder:
Python interpreter#
and typing the following commands in the Python console:
import pip
import venv
on MacOS).You do not have Python already available in your machine: Miniconda#
Install python3.12 enviroment by typing,
conda create -n py312 python=3.12
conda activate py312
Install Python package on the remote server#
The package necessary to install the python libraries that ASAP needs to run a simulation on a remote server can be downloaded using the following links
simune-asap-remote-env-2023.2 for ASAP version 2023.3
simune-asap-remote-env-2024.0 for ASAP version 2024.0
simune-asap-remote-env-2024.1.3 for ASAP version 2024.1
You should now have downloaded the package on your computer.
Please follow the next steps in order to complete the installation.
Copy on the remote server. This can be done using scp command, run the following command from your local machine,
scp -r <user>@<remote-server>:
Connect to the remote cluster using ssh command and unzip the folder,
and enter the folder
cd simune-asap-remote-env-XXXX.X
If you want to make sure that the installed environment corresponds to a specific version of Python, simply remove the simune-remote-env-py.tgz files associated with the other versions. For instance, if you have a Python 3.10 environment, you would type:
rm simune-remote-env-py3.7.tgz simune-remote-env-py3.8.tgz simune-remote-env-py3.9.tgz
If all files are present, the installer will always try to install the environment for the most recent Python version.
Finally, run the following command,
bash ./
and wait for the script to finish. At the end, it will display instructions and explanations on how to use your new environment with ASAP. Please make a copy of these instructions before closing the connection.

Fig. 26 Copy the line starting with “source” in the remote RC command, please see section Adding a remote machine.#
Setup ASAP to allow the connection to the cluster#
Please refer to section Managing local and remote runners.
Cannot connect to remote servers after Windows upgrade#
Set-Service ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
Then reboot the computer.
If this still doesn’t work, open a normal PowerShell terminal and type:
ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
with the
actual key name.Make popular materials modeling codes available to industrial users.
Gather the relevant tools and codes within a unified user interface, in order to improve their usability.
Automate the existing workflows for the simulation of materials properties and industrial problems of interest.
Soler, José M, Emilio Artacho, Julian D Gale, Alberto Garcı́a, Javier Junquera, Pablo Ordejón, and Daniel Sánchez-Portal. 2002. “The SIESTA Method for Ab Initio order-N Materials Simulation.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (11): 2745–79.